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But everything done by own resolute and courageous artificial freedom and dignity, but moved my seventh army corps, would like to gratis help their battle."Huge strength east nowise doubts that medium affirmation of M country has been already pointed out, there are nations employing a soldier to participate in resolute and courageous war, so is huge strength east's deciding is spoken by oneself with fight for on his/her own initiative, and for this kind of participates in the hat is with the unselfish name.
However on the other hand, huge strength the parlance of the east don't be also not satisfactory, because the Z country soldier of seventh army corps at the time of opening and leaving for resolute and courageous front line, thought of first of isn't oneself can earn how much , but want to help own compatriot.On the initial stage in resolute and courageous war, the troops of seventh army corps devotion war didn't also earn money, huge strength east has never told them to have already been employed by the resolute and courageous republican soldier as well, but each well-known scholar soldier still keeps expressing an astonishing courage and stubborn perseverance, this makes each the persons who know that the canyon ambuscades a war will move.
May be according to have intention to, also probably completely isn't intentional, the carat pulled a next problem to match with a huge strength east:"So your employ a soldier's troops at the performance in the resolute and courageous war how?"
" The seventh army corps is one troops like this, like is other all to employ a soldier, we have no motherland, we is more loyal to than an army corps oneself.The whichever person will be told such a words by the military officer while joining seventh army corps:'I have no request to you, only 1-was an enemy to overaly the earth like bush, when the warship hugged to block up sea surface like high mountain, when the shell covered view like raindrop and of sky and ground, we have to have decision and courage to die together!'Can only attain this,Facebook, just entitle to become a member of seventh army corps."Profoundly absorbed an one breath, the huge strength east continued to keep on saying:"But after resolute and courageous outbreak of war, I did to this sentence some change, that be'be we for the sake of the freedom and the dignity but war of time, we will didn't be feared to to generally overaly the enemy of the earth such as the bush, don't be feared to to such as the high mountain generally hugged the warship of blocking up the sea surface, even if was facing generally overaly view like the raindrop and playing of world rain, we will press forward with indomitable will of die for this!'"
The huge strength the east words sound falls to the ground and play to sow room in immediately spread a burst of and warm applause, the carat pulled to even by hand point tiny wiped a canthus, used the tone taking admiration to say:"Have to admit, I am very happy that this is in the world to have you so some people, can be freedom and dignity but sacrifice oneself!"
"Thank you!"The huge strength east says to pull to stretch out a hand to the carat, the carat pulled to then return to warmly shake hands.
The program is very quick end, until come out to play the time of sowing the room, huge strength east just have an opportunity to privately pull confabulation with carat.

After the third free ideal chapter 121 raining season ends
Renew time:2009-8-1819:33:02 chapter word numbers:4285

The carat pulls to walk to the huge strength the in front of the east and smile with huge strength the east held handshake:"I am very happy that you express today!"
Is huge strength the east report with the same smiling face:"If have no you, I perhaps can't express, either very good!"
The carat pulls to know a huge strength east the words have, tiny shook to shake head to say:"I know to you too the Ke engraved some,cnn, that because I need you through must live a test.If you can not experience a test, this program can't attain the purpose that you want as well."
The huge strength east is made an effort of ordered to nod:"I am understand."
"Because you after all experienced a test, I canned be more delighted than don't fail a friend of entrust."
"You are to say Lei Ni?"
"Still having is a , you can guess to is who ……" carat pulls cool on smiling, held handshake with huge strength east again:"I still occupy to want favour, wishing you can succeed!"
Even if the carat pulls not to say who this friend is, huge strength east can also guess, so don't cross-examine.After being full of to appreciate to pull farewell with carat, huge strength east a short moment didn't hold up and immediately flew to return to Z country.
The huge strength east after returning to Z country just knows that this"high level interview" acquired very big echo, it is said that a lot of M the people are all on TV ex-, drive huge strength the east finally say of some kind of words touched shed tears.
The west society treats the hazy attitude of resolute and courageous war to in a twinkling become clear and distinct, a lot of cities appeared catcall and parade and supported resolute and courageous person's fighting for their own freedoms.Even and someone starts organizing to contribute money and remitted it to Southeast Asian Chinese people's association.
Lei Ni among these affairses developed an important function, end after new film take, she contributed a great deal of time and energy to a resolute and courageous republican soldier and not only organized to hold a meeting for the resolute and courageous person's free battle cry before uniting entrance to a country, but also took out contributing money of USD 10,000,000 and counteracted it arouse raising of others.
Lei Ni make use of own huge influence thoroughly, not only make use of all opportunities publicizee a resolute and courageous republican soldier to own fan, even seeing each friend has to ask:"Do you know that the resolute and courageous region is taking place race massacre?"
In addition to Lei Ni outside, also someone is secretly pushing all these, this motivation comes from the key figures of M country.
The second day after the huge strength east ended "high level interview" program, the M country Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces a pronouncement to resolute and courageous war and uses a "the dream of the resolute and courageous person to the freedom should get respect" wording like this among them.Though the attitude of pronouncement's on the face of it seems neutral of, but anyones all see come out, this kind of wording means that the M country supports a resolute and courageous republican soldier.
Almost and at the same time, the pronouncement of M country's Z country diplomacy section also announced a pronouncement, among them although aim at independent problem in the resolute and courageous region attitude ambiguity still, scathingly gave a rebuke to race persecution and massacre behavior of Burma government.
This time, on the resolute and courageous war problem, thing the square Be unexpectedly unprecedented to reach unanimously.
Being unique to definitely support Burma now is governmental of only have Southeast Asian various country, but even if their intelligence quotient is also lowly, but can definitely feel the variety of world opinion direction of wind, result on changing previous hullabaloo, a per all the Mo kept silent.Although the medium up still accidentally see disadvantage's speech at the local Chinese people,the government strictly cracks down on possible emergence of to the visible result of Chinese people's disadvantage.In fact even if they are willing to make a noise and can't produce too great influence, either, because they are in the international society originally have no words power.
And this kind of is silent rightness of should of BE, Southeast Asian the various country key figures lead in the near future intensively visit a Z country, though all nominally inquire into bilateral cooperation in each aspect, however the owners all know that the true purpose wants to try to ask around the attitude that the Z country treats resolute and courageous war, then understanding a Z country will carry out to Southeast Asian Chinese people how of policy.
Huge strength east to this of analysis judgment BE, Southeast Asia nation currently just fore the view temporarily endures patiently under the not clear and distinct circumstance, they don't know how the resolute and courageous war will make the Chinese people become, so want to treat the Chinese people's policy according to the development establishment of the war.If the resolute and courageous republican soldier failed, so among them majority of nations will immediately break out the riot aiming at Chinese people to appear the future trouble of same affair by exterminating in the oneself nation.And if the resolute and courageous republican soldier obtained victory, so these nation's connecting down will do what became very difficult to calculate,google, front 1 kind probably still keep existing, but also probably start being been afraid to the Chinese people's strength adoption to keep in mind a soft policy.
This also means that the resolute and courageous war develops to arrive now today, already not only only is the problem between resolute and courageous person and other Burma Chinese people, but matter to the whole Chinese people of Southeast Asian region whole, even still influence the relation of of Z country and various country in Southeast Asia.
The Du settled a meeting Burma government that the resolute and courageous republican soldier round up all at one fell swoop, suddenly of finally realize that oneself is in the international society to have been thoroughly isolated.
But the government of every absolute monarchy totalitarian, at outward there are usually two kinds of extremities on the policy, 1 kind is to inside squeeze, outward output a benefits, even can say to commit treason to beg glory to exchange other nations to support that oneself exists;Another extremity usually because be attacked many, straight-tempered break jar to break to fall off, pass rise door to want to do what do what, Related articles:

