
Beats By Dr Dre Solo to such a We still

Chapter 439 Mo jade bone dragon
Day vein, the Cang department is foolish to live, their Ma Bu gave up the snake to the sky to teach, slightly the double smallly makes track for to kill.The black iron tombstone that the full face frightenedly looking at that to slowly floats out, seem to be extremely of strain.
This is originally should dead silent few ten thousand years of dead fire is under the incineration divide time in the fire in sky and be triggered what forbid to make strength, cliff in be kept of magma, slowly the Shan appears and generally sprinkles to infuse such as iron water on the black iron tombstone of underneath.
Mo jade generally crystal bright black iron tombstone, sprinkle to infuse in the magma under, that tombstone above of Nie picture dragon Be getting clearer, originally just the Nie of the pattern Long Xiang, gave people a kind of oddity that wanted to live to come over a sort.
The neighborhood of black iron tombstone that rises out from the volcano bottom.Zero scatter a ground of strange bone, those bones is all ground to break.Such as black crystal similar, gleam jet black color sheen.
When the magma in the cliff sprinkles to infuse in the time on black iron tombstone, that tombstone in the strength of a certain oddity's seeming was silently triggered.
1**the ray of light in black, from that tombstone on deliver to go out, influenced surroundings zero spread of main beam of boat.
Explode ground become a Nie for cutting of the main beam of boat of dragon.The strength in the black iron tombstone influences under, if the speed canning see without the aid of instruments combines together, time in short few breath, the main beam of boat of everywhere Nie dragon, constituted the bone dragon of a head of solid black color, bone Pa of bone Long Shen the Pa make to ring and seem to be still not to fructify.
However, after more magmas sprinkle to infuse on bone dragon, bone Long Fang Fo drive forging 1 time.Bone also the blind side of of bone, seem to be simply drive magma to glue.
Suddenly,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, breathing that is ruthlessly oppressive to love to kill.From the explosion of the body of that bone dragon come out.
This a head of bone dragon in the volcanic crater under.A while to strength, supplely start to fly, the huge bone wing is launched, with 1.The beautiful radian rows to a vein in the sky that comes from a Yun starfish area.
The vein that the snake in sky teaches almost has no in several that days with in most distressed what persons forced allied strike back of dint, in that bone main beam of boat wing of neat under.Soul falsely the body be incised.
The bone wing of bone dragon in, contain the extremely evil revelation demolishes of dint, these strength has strong corrosion dint to the soul, under the function of these strength, the soul of vein has no that day of way, soul in be hit by these improbity strength.
Just one Sha, that drive slice the soul of cluster falsely body, life of print to record to explode ground, the vein then thoroughly disappears that day.
In the Ji vast sky heart on moving, suddenly appear in the ground of that day vein death, there is no 1:00 of hesitant.Directly made use of soul to bind the mentality that he just and quickly disappears.
Arrive at here from five lines of mainlands, he also expended many mentalities, if can have more mentalities to add, he not only can in occupying bottom in the extinct volcano breeze, can also continue thorough, search the old woman of his grandfather and store.
Therefore, as long as there being opportunity, his nature can't waste, can get more some mentalities and want to be much naturally some.
Once the bone wing of bone dragon move and incise the soul of that vein, after bone dragon supplely over there black iron tombstone on suspend, from the waistline of bone dragon on;The Shu ground flies a general bone sting of a root Mo jade to come out and beats to pass by toward the public shot of this underneath in the extinct volcano.
"You do of good matter!!"The vein in the sky that before wants to make moves to the Ji vast sky, company ice Yi.The soul distorts variety and seem to be very of exasperation.
They are four, vein in the sky , after discovering the ground of this a cake of oddity, has been all very careful quest, scoop out for a long time just made use of some bone powders to melt the soul of poisonous snake, always didn't dare to excessively scoop out.
Of so would be so because these 4 people all know that the underneath has to uncannily forbid to make existence, fearing will trigger those to forbid to make and ask for to otiose trouble to come out.
The snake teaches, matches the superior of joys valley on that day, discovered they four movements after, these 4 people don't dare as well painful bottom cutthroat, the strength doesn't dare releasing of the biggest degree, be fear will trigger to forbid to make, make their activity all previous work undone.
Ji vast sky first, , recklessly.Greatly doing is a , ice the cold extinct volcano make of directly and soon erupted, the ice sealed not to know how many years of magma, under the influence of his thermodynamic power quantity in the sky.All unexpectedly the deliquescence drop fell down.
Finally, from the underneath of extinct volcano came out black iron tombstone, and under the strength of the black iron tombstone, make use of the main beam of boat of everywhere Nie dragon, the bone dragon of the Ning chain a head of improbity comes out.
The body of bone dragon is done by the main beam of boat Ning of Nie dragon but becomes, so the attack of the dragon takes to have the Nie dragon the breakage strength of the ruthlessly oppressive improbity, this kind of strength in spite of is to a soul still an entity, all have terrible of killing and harming dint.Although that vein is also nine of the strong of territory, can not hold up against the strength of bone dragon.
Bone dragon's seeming is special defense dint of black iron tombstone, its existence, would be to be free from trying to usurp of anyone for the sake of the protection black iron tombstone.As snake is teaches, matching the superior of joys valley, leaving that black iron tombstone to have far several hundred meterses on that day, the bone dragon then ignores not to ask.
And that black iron tombstone depend of nearer person.Then become its attack target right away, when the Ji vast sky absorbs that day vein mentality, this a head of bone dragon, concentrated the attention to in his body, start wielding a bone wing, operate a bone sting to pursue him.
The Ji vast sky realizes this a head of bone improbity dragon after being matchless, is not greedy either, absorbing one part that person's mentality withdraw to go out right away and quickly arrived at the body of the ice Jie of company side.
As long as and the bone dragon kept a suitable distance, this bone dragon then no longer continued to pursue.Connect those bones sting that fly to project from its body, also all hang on the way, seem is warning bearer not to want to wildly move.
"You this boy that damn!"The vein of surplus explodes with rage in three days, together pike head rightness to Ji vast sky.
Before the Ji vast sky didn't come, forbade to make here all be not triggered, bone dragon not, although their progress is slow,groped for the strange strength in the black iron tombstone, understood in the black iron tombstone.Have the existence of Long Jing of Nie dragon.
Four day vein with conservative slow-moving of imitate a Buddha, have already scooped out black iron tombstone, understand after a period of time, their 4 people also gradually knows some black iron tombstones of mysterious, is looking for to open the method of black iron tombstone.
This speed is probably slow some, but they sometimes, for the sake of Long Jing of the Nie dragon, they already in this underneath of extinct volcano stay very for a long time.
It be first taught by snake in the sky and match a joys the person of the valley and discover.Be disturbed, at present again drive making a mess of of Ji vast sky to break drop to account hair"and still have a companion to pay with the life for this, leave of vein in three days, finally unbearable.
"Killed this boy first!This boy is on the hoof, necessarily will ask for a more troubles!"A day vein Yin cold soul, sweep around on Ji vast sky.
Another two days vein.A speech doesn't deliver and silently and asunder opens.Toward Ji vast sky, company ice Jie 2 people close to.These 3.Vein in the sky, the momentary seems to forget snake in the sky to teach and matches joys these two greatest threats in valley, on the contrary took Ji vast sky as the most important target to treat.
Snake in the sky teaches and matches joys the superior of the valley, helplessly looking at the three days' vein approaches toward the Ji vast sky, company ice Jie, don't unexpectedly and not make moves to help, soul motion mightiness, snake in the sky teaches religious leader and that Chuan and others the gathering is rising, seem secretly handing over with the soul"you what do these guy Lengs where do?"The company ice Jie angries in the heart and teaches the religious leader the Hong for still hasing a week to spread indignant Xun to read to that snake.
These two squares, don't know do in the heart what intend.Seem to have sit a mountain view tiger Dou of intention.
Just if not that the Ji vast sky made moves to mutually save, those guys that matched a joys valley, already drive the living creatures of various odditieses to put out to kill, at present because the temperatures in the extinct volcano keep on ascension and round the Hongs of killing the week those strange living creatures of theirs, an is evaporated, can not give any further the Hong in week they composing threat.
If not that the Ji vast sky fire in the sky divides time of strength.Week Hong and that several match a joys valley of person, have been already been killed at this time.
Now she and the Ji vast sky become the attack target of the other party, being exactly everyone should make concerted effort of time, match the guy that joys valley and snake in the sky teach.On the contrary see dead not to save, unexpectedly cold see her and Ji vast sky drive three day the vein lay siege to.
"You say to come from five lines of mainlands, who are you exactly?If"snake in the sky teaches of religious leader, suddenly spread a stronger soul mind, " can control fire in the sky, if I guess quite good, you are the Ji vast sky of the valley of Xuan Yuan?"
Snake in the sky teaches of religious leader, obviously guessed the identity of Ji vast sky.
This a period of time, the record of events concerning him has already got about the sun star area, in those early years his affair in the insight fire for sky of the sun, also drive ever in the heart of the sun some another mainland superiors of self-discipline to revealed to go out, make some people of the sun star area all know various of his strange abilities.
Fire in the sky, can be treated as one of his placard soul skills.Once he present for a sky, fire, snake in the sky teaches the religious leader the week Hong for still hasing already matched a joys valley and then affirmed his identity right away.
The Ji vast sky of the valley of Xuan Yuan, this person that is the sun star area situation most vigorously, no man doesn't know, no man not Xiao, the religious leader and week Hong that the snake teaches in the sky, in the heart for his have scruples about, as many as three days vein.
Can these three greatest the suns star areas of main Lu host in the sky, the dead alliance leader of alliance, evil hole the strong shot harm of person.The real strenght is exactly what strong, the nobody is clear, but anyone all understand, the Ji vast sky of the valley of Xuan Yuan is a the most terrible person of present sun star area!
Snake in the sky teaches religious leader and also has that week the Hong, a wish good arrive Nie Long Long Jing, but after discovering his true identity, 2 people on the contrary took him as terrible opponent, not vein in a sky.
"Your guess is quite good, I would am Ji vast sky."The matter arrives at present and conceal have already had no necessity.See a vein is more and more near for three days, the Ji vast sky secretly measures him and the realizing of of these three days veins.Helplessly discover the strength of these three days veins, want to compare him and company the ice Jie is much strong.
He teaches religious leader and the soul motion of week Hong from the snake in sky up, see 2 people to his fear, know 2 people to his worry, affirmative as many as three days vein.
"I am a Ji vast sky, you since know I come from a Yun starfish area, should cooperate to put~to death the vein in the sky of these three foreign countries first to kil with me, then we again negotiate how to handle Nie Long Long Jing's problem well, here compare sensitive, the superior who will have a new Mo starfish area at any time comes over, if our person doesn't make concerted effort, finally will can not get everything."
Is helpless under, Ji vast sky can give this advice.
"You are the Ji vast sky of the valley of Xuan Yuan, how will need our helps?"Snake in the sky teaches of religious leader.Isn't cold not hot ground of respond to such a."We still want to see you is how tidy up vein in the sky, you trust.We will encourage for you shouting."
The week Hong is silent, obviously is also the parlance that approved snake in the sky to teach religious leader.
In the heart secretly sigh a , the Ji vast sky no longer entertains to have any hope to these 2 people and see a vein for three days back of blue light wing.The spine that flies off them in succession, time becomes three Hong with general scissorses to only shoot to come over, he and company ice Yi right away separate come.
The company ice Jie avoids the ability of crisis, not inferior to and he.2 people asunder open, the opportunity to avoid a three days vein is a little bit larger.
Still have, the main target of these three days veins, only just he, with company ice Jie separately after coming.The company ice Jie should can't fall among the madness of the other party to make track for shot and think so in the heart, his soul falsely the body distort flicker and avoid through a day vein after, suddenly teach, match a joys valley toward the snake in sky to there fly.
"Everyone is a good friend, is difficult to together be."It sneers at in the heart.He will pursue three of his blue light wings to take to come over together, snake in the sky teaches religious leader with that match joys valley of week Hong person's where.He flies where.
You aren't willing to make moves on your own initiative, then it troublesome take to come over!Ji vast sky be not what good people, after discovering 2 people returning kindness with hatred, certainly can't have again what polite.
Three day vein, the target necessarily killing is him, certainly, 3 people can't mind to destroy for a sky, either, the snake teaches religious leader and week Hong and pursues three blue light wings of Ji vast sky, is fortuning upon snake for sky to teach and matches joys those people in the valley of time, can't turn a blind eye, either.The meeting silently changes Huan track.
The three days vein also pounds at to come over, 3 people's soul goes before unreal, because the speed is sometimes the quickest, unexpectedly suddenly have no Zong boundless, then suddenly come out in the souls.
Although mainly want to kill Ji vast sky, the snake teaches, matches a joys on that day the person of the valley, at the right moment in their attack scopes inside, they also can't polite.
In this way, snake in the sky teaches and matches a joys the superior of the valley.Want to keep out of it of calculate thoroughly an act is empty.
The Ji vast sky is uncanny unfathomable, the magic recording in the great void Mi responds dint under, a time breathtakingly once avoided a rounding of three days vein to kill, it was those days of snakes to teach and match to arrive joys the superior of the valley, on the contrary was subjected to unexpected calamity.
At three, vein in the sky of without extra trouble one shot under, a bellows repeatedly.
His pouring is to don't get hurt, be teach, matched for the sky snake of the frame-up by him a joys the guy of the valley, on the contrary and miserably.
This time, snake in the sky teaches and the abacus that matches a joys valley is thoroughly invalid, see for a sky, the vein is so cruel, snake in the sky teaches and matches the superior of joys valley to can not away with any further and passively follows Ji vast sky to deal with a those three days vein together.
Momentary, original because the combat that can quell down is drawn back prologue.
Only company ice Jie, imitate a Buddha to become outsider.Not drive public value, vein in the sky didn't deal with her.Because the reason for being apart from, the bone dragon also turns a blind eye to her.
Company ice Jie part the awake Ji vast sky simultaneously and curiously looking at black iron tombstone there.
"Yi!"Stared at that black iron tombstone to see in a short while, she seemed to be suddenly to discover what, a surprised Cha is a very surprising shape.
Is allied midnight, very tired!Two hands are heavy like iron.The finger has already been getting stiffer, too weariness, the flexibility greatly gives discount and still always suffers from insomnia for these two days, pain and sufferings unbearable, but for rushing through to complete a task by 12:00, I endure, a word a word slowly knocks, is on the whole to end, whole body not in the right, say so many, just want to tell everyone, I really make great effort, I worth your monthly ticket of devotion, ask everyone to give° the monthly ticket me, my effort, you have been seeing in the eye of, please.
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