
beats dr dre the Mi has eyes and

This book comes from|six open Chinese net chapter 183 disdain enemy
For many will of the reaction, Luo's sun also just smiled to smile, didn't say more what, this is just the normal reaction of a martial, the nothing important says so much.Immediately Luo's sun continues to say:"China male artistic skill get, but the assistant of China male still has Li Su!Is this person although of no consequence what badly strive for a private,win carefully airtight in the idea, he and China male go together with to put together, this Si water gate more difficult dozen!"
As for Si water gate inside guard will of circumstance, pour early and have scout to explore clearly, many will pour is to all know the name of China male and Li Su, just not equal to Luo's sun knows so in detail just.A listen to Luo's sun said so, the Huang Zhong Deng person also was all complexion Be dignified to get up in succession, the Si water gate was originally a rare steep world toll-gate, the western cool soldier of Dong Zhuo's under charge that also with violent be known for, if China male and Li Su really if what Luo sun says so, that this Si water gate one war can really difficult dozen!
But public in the middle, only drama ambition just and week Cang 2 people's facial expression with don't be different.The drama ambition just remains be keeping that smiling face and took a look many will, and then took a look Luo's sun, lightly ordered to nod, be like understand what, but is said nothing.As for week Cang, estimate to touch now haven't understood public why will be silent down, consumedly the ground say:"Oh!Lord male!This has what difficult dozen!Give my 2,000 people the horse, my preservation takes down that Si water gate and chase that what China male Li Su, entirely capture alive down!"
The Cang this fellow that looks like a week last time at with Zhang Fei and Dian Wei that fought in, sparse inside carelessly go off accidentally go into evil, after waiting until to wake up, the artistic skill really promoted a lot, although not just Luo's sun waited the person's opponent, canned already once support in the yellow loyalty under charge ascend 100 recruit.This fellow but self-confident heart are empty currently the city rise, all day shouting to want to directly kill Luo sun to go!
Is malicious the Cang staring a week is one eye, this guy be an open mouth to more and more have no a side!If China male wants really so like deal with, Luo's sun again why the need for spend so over sensitive think!Right away also no longer realized the Cang this fellow in week to grow crazy, continue to many will say:"However our army's pouring now is to have an opportunity!Is previous although this several battles hurt,China male connects to win a several, necessarily will be dizzy with success!Settle however can give us with the machine that can take advantage o when the time comes!Hum!China male after all isn't Xu Rong, if Xu Rong's words in Si water gate, I ain't worthwhile to recruit with these flowers, honestly fight force with force be!"
For Xu Rong, Luo's sun is long to smell its, this person can be treated as Dong Zhuo's under charge a short while to fight of will get!Can say, Dong Zhuo's battalion can attain at present like this scale, the first is to depend Dong Zhuo that malicious hot deceitful personality, the second is to depend Xu Rong and Li Ru, these two subordinate with malicious yins!
Although don't know how Luo's sun likes to carry ground and brings up Xu Rong,beats dr dre, however listen to Luo's sun say so, look like this Si water gate also no longer difficult offend, inside the hall before of the depressed atmosphere is also a dissipation clean.Sit at many in the middle drama ambition just the Mi has eyes and looking at many will of reaction, finally and changed direction vision to Luo's sun, seem to be deliberating what.
Luo's sun ordered to nod and towarded many will say:"Is since time is propitious, that was the time that we rise in revolt to go to Si water gate, don't know that the everybody can have interest and that China male to will ascend a short while?"
The first respond to of, the nature was a week Cang, signing the horse was to jump and towarded Luo's sun to shout a way:"I!I!Lord male!I go!I go!"
"Hum!The nature is that I come first!" Even the always cool-headed joy enters also is to hum, glimpsed the Cang in week, say:"You are to rob the first each time, can each time get hurt is also you most heavily!Lord Mr. those harm the medicine is also expensive, you still give main male the province order!"Do not see the joy enter peacetime heel the complete mystery is similar, can really need to make, this opens mouth still really not bad.
The week Cang listenned to and immediately stared to have his that double of eye pupil son that gets a sort generally, Zhang Kou would return to scold, but haven't waited he to open mouth, and yellow loyalty of the one side drank 1:"You don't contend for!Didn't hear main Mr. just say?That China male is a superior!Your affirmation isn't his opponent, want me naturally in person horse!"Not only was Huang Zhong, even always the plank wore a Dian Wei of face to are also a pair of eyes to peep out a baking hot war idea at the moment, unique don't on one's own initiative is a to please to fight of, have the Pei dollar of self-knowledge Shao.
"Ha ha ha ha!Good!Good!"Luo's sun sees take many will of will to fight, is also not from must ha ha on smiling, toward many will drink a way:"Soon and soon the herald bottom goes, the battalion starts on journey!Drive you this makes, I had a little hand Yang!Perhaps when the time comes can have no you what matter!I in person the horse give°ed that China male to kill!"
-Partition line-
"Blare-!""The Dong Dong Dong Dong!"
The clarion call of Si water gate, and the war drum voice out of the Si water gate rings out at the same time, brave soldier the soldier get at Luo's sun, Huang Zhong Deng of lead under, outside the Si water gate an in or so position one word row open.But on the Si water gate, the Si water gate guards China male, and the assistant Li Su of China male and beard Zhenses all together and together ascend a pass.
Be in the western cool soldier soldier first valiant general, is also under Dong Zhuo Zhang before accepting to decline Lyu Bu first valiant general, the shape nature of China male isn't too many bad.The height is nine Chinese foot enough to spares, grow is a tiger back bear waist, leopard head tiger eyes, the whiskers of full face, have a liking for to is very stalwart.Especially in a scar formation on R.O.C male forehead, agley come down from forehead the center, at the right moment wipe right eye socket downfall, increased more for China male ferocious for several cents.
This scar formation but is last year Dong Zhuo lead troops to occupy Luo sun, and the D is original of combine when the state soldier battle from Lyu Bu of square sky of draw Ji to leave!Can the under charge break out of is also a life, is good enough to from Lyu Bu the skill of proving this China male isn't vulgar.However also because this Ba, although now Lyu Bu is to throw a body Dong Zhuo Zhang descend,China male combines state soldiers to what Lyu Bu and Lyu Bu governs the nothing important good wills is all.Guarding Si water gate this time is also China male on one's own initiative volunteer to army, be want to prove to let world person see, he China male absolutely can't be more lousy than Lyu Bu!
Because the cause of this scar formation, there is some influences in the right eye of China male and basically saw not pure thing, however leave of the left eye, is a Shan naked, stared a circle to hope to go toward brave soldier's soldier out of the pass, is to the utmost the facial expression of despise on the face.Being cold to hum is a , China male would is to become a the rightness is after death of the Li Su and beard Zhen drink a way:"You etc. see, pass east those various Hous again parties came some walk into death of!See to last time us still don't give them enough precept!"
If the beard Zhen was regarded as the Di of China male to fasten, is also the western cool soldier war that really believes in will, listen to get China male, the beard Zhen is also that once the Hey Hey smile and say:"China general!In fact shine on me to see!Had better be that Yuan Shao and Cao to hold to take battalions to all come good!Our one breath kills their one when the time comes completely destroy, solved these petty burglars, we also really returned to Luo sun to go earlier!Hey Hey!Before coming to this, I am to just rob 56 good-looking beauty's sons!In this ghost place, I am some cooks don't live!"Say, the double of the beard Zhen eyes flash across the ray of light of one silk YinHui, stretched out tongue to lick 1 turn on the lips.
After Dong Zhuo took a western cool soldier to go into the lord Luo sun city, these western cool soldiers would get almost to all around burn to kill to plunder at the Luo sun city every day, this the female's affair that was strong to rob a people, to them is already accustom to.If China male listens to get beard Zhen, also is to roar with laughter, smiled to scold a way:"You this Hun boy!This bottom but said to leak a mouth!I said to see last time you rob a few beauties, but you were dead to deny!I but remember!After waiting Luo sun once, your those beauties but want to divide me a half!Ha ha ha ha!"
Is different from the China male and beard Zhen, Li Su at the moment but is tightly wrinkly the eyebrows looking at in addition to pass, say to China male:"China general!Don't want to underestimate enemy!The amount of soldiers of this time enemy who come to make is many!Fully have many around ten thousand persons!"Although China male continuously wins,the troops and horseses of opponent are all few, at most is also 231000 people's appearance before Li Su like this worries to have no not make sense, either, .Face around ten thousand persons at present, carefully reply is best plan, after all inside the Si water gate of guard a soldier also however just 5,000 people is just.
"Hum!Around ten thousand persons just, not worthy of way Zai!"But China male is positive what sun anticipates is such as previous Luo so, have already been won by the continuously of results in battle blunt faint brains, listen to Li Su's words, but is the slightest inattentive, hum a , toward pass outside glimpse, immediately again is to roar with laughter, point at the battalion out of the pass to say with smile to Li Su:"Li Su!Are these around ten thousand battalions that you say?Ha ha ha ha!The such troops and horses is absolutely a group of disorderly band ears!Don't say to is around ten thousand persons!Be again add 100%, I also ability will it a war take down!"
China male has so confidence not to is to have no reason, is closing the battalion of outside at the moment, far and far hope to go, the appearance is in great disorder, the soldier is dressed in broken-down battle armor and seem is handing over a head to connect an ear, absolutely is a flock of volunteer army that just gathered together!Troops like this, basically even talk fighting strengths not up!Western cool soldier world fierce soldier, troops and horses like this even if is a decuple in personal, the western cool soldier can also offend to break!
"E!"China male so on saying, Li Su is to see clear pass the shape of the foreign enemy soldier, not from get one Leng, just the face up but the slightest has never been like China male and beard Zhen that sort is easy, on the contrary full face of suspicious.According to reason, previous China male has already continued to defeat the other party many aggressions and close eastern various Hou again will thus small water gate of Qu Si?Will send such a troops of to strike against Si water gate?This not is put clear come to walk into death!
Li Su isn't understand, but China male and beard Zhen are to have no that idea and Li Su bothersome what, right away would was to clap to clap hands, China male directly be drink a way to the after death close soldier:"Bearer!Take my weapon!Li Su, needs my the pass kill to back these enemy's soldiers, come back again to want reasons in it with you together!Ha ha ha ha!"After making fun of some kind of Lee Su, China male roars with laughter, long-handled long-handled sword pick up close soldier to deliver, Dian Dian quantity, would be to turn round next pass go.
Li Su hasn't responded to come over in the beginning and waited him to slowly lead absolute being, but that China male is already at close the door a people's point together troops and horses, a pass goes.Li Su not from must frightened to disgrace, the favour is to shout a way:"Oh!China general!Can not excite!Can not excite!"
PS:Today is the last day of public chapter, this chapter is also public chapter of the last chapter!《World Ba industry 》 will be getting more on-the-shelf tomorrow!Since tomorrow, the corset will depend more everybody book more friend to consumedly support bird!Still invite an everybody book friend consumedly the male rise~~~~
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